College News

Rules Of College


The Principal of the college has the complete power over the maintenance of the discipline of students of the college.

    1.      The Principal of the college has the complete power over the maintenance of the discipline of students of the college.

    2.     The Principal may frame from time to time disciplinary rules of permanent or temporary character regulating the conduct                     within the college premises students on the rolls.

    3.     On the report of the Principal or other authorities all such breaches of discipline as in the opinion of these authorities call for                the imposition of rustication from examination etc., as punishment will be decided by a separate committee constituted for                  the purpose. The staff council or a separate committee will pass there on such orders with approval of the Chairman or                        principal it deemed necessary.

    4.     In the interest of the Institution, the Principal shall have the  power to infect fine, suspension or expulsion as punishment.

    5.     The Principal of the college may prohibit students from attending the political or other meetings if he apprehends a breach of                peace.

    6.      Students of the college going on strike or guilty of any serious indiscipline shall if so for to immediately forfeit their Scholar                  Ships.

    7.      If any Student discontinues his/her Studies from the college he/she should inform the same to the Principal at early date.

      CONDUCT :

    1.      Every student shall wear a clean and Neat Uniform prescribed by the college.

    2.      Every student shall carry his identity card with him and show the same whenever he is asked to do so by any staff member.                Without the identity card he / she will not be allowed into the college.

    3.      Students are required not to make noise in the college and so who disturb the classes are liable for punishment.

    4.      Students are prohibited from loitering in verandas, campus or class surroundings during working hours.

    5.      Smoking and cycling within the college campus are strictly prohibited.

    6.      Scrubbing on the black board or wall is strictly prohibited and punishable.

    7.      When the teacher enters the class room, the students should rise and remain standing till they are asked to sit or till the                     teacher takes his seat.

    8.      The students shall be gracious and courteous to the members of the staff and are expected to greet them whenever they                     meet them.

    9.      No student shall be allowed to leave the class room without  the permission of his / her teacher or until class is cancelled for               administrative reasons.

   10.     Students who have no class in a particular period shall not disturb other classes at work.  They should go either to the library               or to the reading room.

   11.     A student who disturbs a lesson or makes mischief in a class may be expelled from the class by the lecturer.  The students              so expelled shall be deemed to be absent for the period. All such cases shall be reported to the Principal.

   12.     As per the Commissioner’s Orders USAGE OF CELL PHONES BY THE STUDENTS IS BANNED IN THE COLLEGE                        PREMESES.  Any Violation to this rule is viewed seriously.


            Instructions for Members :

    1.     Books from the college library are issued only to the present students of the college and the members of the staff.

    2.     Students will be allowed to borrow two books on production of the identity cards only.

    3.     The library will be opened for issue and receipt of books on working days.  The working hours are notified on the Notice Board              of the Library.

    4.     Books taken on loan should be returned within a maximum period of 15 days.  During the interval, the books can be returned                and taken on loan.

    5.     A student who fails to return the book  within the date shall have to pay a fine of 25 Paisa per book per day, subject to a                     maximum penalty of Rs. 20/-after 30 days.

    6.     No student will be allowed to borrow books if the fine is not paid.

    7.     If the day on which the return of books falls due happens to be a holiday, the books are to be returned on the next working                  days without fine.

    8.    Books taken for the vacation shall be returned within three days after the reopening of the college.

    9.    Students should not write anything in library books or even underline or mark any passage in them.  Neither should they                     disfigure nor mutilate them in any way.

   10.   The Candidate shall taken every care to check the good condition of the books at the time of borrowing. 

   11.    Absence from the college will not relieve a borrower of the responsibility of returning books on the due date.

   12.    Students entering the library shall not bring with them other books or any printed material.

   13.    Silence shall be maintained in the library.  Students who fail to observe this    rule are liable for a fine.



Razole GDC

Razole GDC was established in the year 1968. Students of Razole who wish to pursue higher education had to go to Rajahmundry, Kakinada or Vijayawada


Caption : tamaso ma jyotirgamaya means "Lead me from darkness to light."